Saturday, May 23, 2020

Literary Devices In Bram Stokers Dracula - 1296 Words

The novel Dracula had, and still has an immense effect on horror through its use of literary elements which are observable in horror movies. Bram Stokers Dracula was revolutionary in its use of literary devices such as dramatic irony, to convey suspense, and the use of sexuality in literature. These devices were adapted to film in early horror movies and continue to appear till today. Dracula was very influential to the film industry when it comes to horror movies because horror movies draw a lot of devices used in Dracula and use them in their movies, this can be seen in movies such as Halloween, Friday the 13th, and the movie adaptation of Dracula. The first inspiration that the Dracula novel has on horror movies is the use of†¦show more content†¦Stroker writes â€Å"The strength of the handshake was so much akin to that which I had noticed in the driver†(Stroker 24). This quotes shows the grip strength of Dracula even at his old age, showing that he is immort al. This motif can be seen commonly in the sub genre of â€Å"slasher† movies where a â€Å"Crazed† type killer is upon the victims, and in these movies the killer is portrayed as invulnerable. This can be seen in John Carpenter’s Halloween where Lourie shoots Michael Myers in the face to no avail, as he just shrugs it off and continues his attack. This trait of invulnerability adds a great amount of terror surrounding the villain, as it gives the audience the impression of hopelessness. In conclusion the trait of invulnerability can be seen in both Dracula and in the slasher movie genre. An additional way that horror movies are inspired by dracula is the way that the villain in each media for is molded by a deviant sexuality. This can be seen in Dracula by the use of blood transfusions performed by the vampires to symbolize rape. Stroker writes, â€Å"I was afraid to raise my eyelids, but looked out and saw perfectly under the lashes. The girl went on her knee s, and bent over me, simply gloating.† (Stroker 55) This parallel can be seen in horror movies with the common use of nudity in the movies, as well as the fact that a lot of slasher movie villains are raped as children. GrantShow MoreRelatedLiterary Elements Of Bram Stoker s Dracula2026 Words   |  9 Pagesdid you know that the story of Dracula has plenty of literary elements that better help the reader analyze and understand the story better than before. Dracula is a Vampire/Victorian book that expresses a lot of elements for example: symbolism. Literary terms such as gothic and romantics are terms used to discuss, classify, and analyze novels, poetry, and books like Dracula. These terms are the most important aspects in a piece of work. Throughout the book: Dracula many terms are present to discussRead MoreLiterary Elements Of Bram Stoker s Dracula1994 Words   |  8 Pagesinteresting, but did you know that the story of Dracula has plenty of literary elements that better help the reader analyze and understand the story better than before. Dracula is a Vampire/Victorian book that expresses a lot of elements for example: symbolism. Literary terms are terms used to discuss, classify, and analyze novels, poetry, and books like Dracula. These terms are the most important aspects in a piece of work. Throughout the book: Dracula many terms are present to discuss or classifyRead MoreGothic Horror : The Epic Battle Of Good Versus Evil2409 Words   |  10 Pagesit† (Dittmer 1). The theme in Dracula is that classic Gothic theme of the epic battle of good versus evil. â€Å"In this novel this is expressed in a very direct way, there is never any question as to who is right and who is wrong. According to Duran â€Å"it can be clearly seen the protagonists on the side of good have many endearing qualities while the antagonists on the side of evil have a pact with Lucifer and are of the purest evil† ( Bram Stokers Dracula demonstrates how religion can influenceRead MoreGothic Elements And Gothic Elements In Bram Stokers Dracula2068 Words   |  9 PagesGothic Elements in Dracula A Gothic novel is one which incorporates all the modes of literature such as horror, the setting, suspense, superstition, atmosphere, horror etc. In the story Dracula the author shows these traits in various sections of the story that makes it a lot more interesting and it is one of the main characteristics beside the various other features that makes this story great. Dracula is a story by Mr. Bram Stoker during the Victorian era where Count Dracula is the antagonist andRead MoreVictorian Novel9605 Words   |  39 Pagesthat aspect is change. Nearly every institution of society was affected by rapid and unforeseeable changes.  As some writers greeted them with fear and others embraced the progress, this essay will guide a reader through an important era in English literary history and introduce with the voices that influenced its shape and development. It was the novel that was the leading form of literature in the 19th century England. The term ‘novel’ itself was a simple narrative form, which in opposition to its

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Tarjeta SENTRI para cruzar rápido entre México y EE.UU.

SENTRI es una tarjeta de  inteligente con identificacià ³n por radio frecuencia que permite un cruce acelerado de la frontera terrestre  entre Estados Unidos y Mà ©xico. Es uno de los programas que se conocen con el nombre de Viajeros Confiables y Frecuentes que facilitan los pasos de control migratorio. SENTRI no debe confundirse con un programa muy similar conocido como  Nexus, una tarjeta de cruce rà ¡pido entre USA y Canadà ¡. En este artà ­culo se informa de quià ©nes pueden solicitar SENTRI, cuà ¡les son los beneficios, cà ³mo se aplica por esa tarjeta, ycuà ¡les son las causas comunes por las que la solicitud es negada. Quià ©nes pueden solicitar la tarjeta SENTRI Pueden aplicar por SENTRI las personas que se encuentran en cualquiera de las siguientes categorà ­as: Los ciudadanos americanosLos residentes permanentes legales, es decir, que tienen una green card.Cualquier extranjero  con visa vigente para ingresar o permanecer temporalmente en EE.UU.Los mexicanos que cruzan con frecuencia la frontera terrestre con Estados Unidos. Es muy importante tener en cuenta que SENTRI no es una visa. Recalcar que en el caso de personas no ciudadanas estadounidenses ni residentes permanentes legales es imprescindible tener una visa vigente antes de aplicar por SENTRI. Puede ser cualquier visa de todas las no inmigrantes posibles, como la là ¡ser -tambià ©n conocida como de Cruce, o la F-3 para estudiantes en la zona fronteriza.   Por à ºltimo, tambià ©n pueden solicitar la tarjeta SENTRI los nià ±os pero todos los peticionarios menores de edad deberà ¡n tener el consentimiento de sus padres o guardianes legales. Si se viaja con nià ±os, cada nià ±o debe tener su propia tarjeta para beneficiarse de este programa. En otras palabras, no està ¡n amparados por la de sus padres. Beneficios de obtener la tarjeta SENTRI El mà ¡s evidente es que se puede utilizar para ingresar a Estados Unidos desde Mà ©xico la fila SENTRI, donde el proceso de inspeccià ³n migratorio y aduanero dura, de media, 10 segundos. Estos son los pasos aduaneros donde se puede utilizar (verificar en  tiempo real los tiempos de demora en cruce de puentes internacionales): Nogales, ArizonaDouglas, ArizonaSan Luis, ArizonaOtay Mesa, CaliforniaSan Ysidro, CaliforniaCalexico, CaliforniaEl Paso, TexasHidalgo, TexasBrownsville, TexasLaredo, TexasAnzalduas, Texas Ademà ¡s, SENTRI brinda otros beneficios. Por ejemplo, los titulares de estas tarjetas pueden en muchos casos utilizar  los kioskos de Global Entry  en los aeropuertos para acelerar el trà ¡nsito por aduanas. Existe en este punto una excepcià ³n importante que es que los ciudadano  mexicanos no pueden utilizar  esos kioskos con SENTRI. Si desean tener esa ventaja deben aplicar especà ­ficamente por Global Entry. Los  ciudadanos americanos  y sà ³lo ellos pueden ingresar por tierra o por mar a Estados Unidos procedentes de Mà ©xico sin pasaporte, utilizando la tarjeta SENTRI. Por el contrario, si se ingresa por avià ³n es necesario el pasaporte. En los viajes domà ©sticos por avià ³n, los titulares de estas tarjetas pueden enrolarse en el programa Pre-Check para agilizar el paso por el control de seguridad en aeropuertos. Cà ³mo se aplica por la tarjeta inteligente conocida como SENTRI Se solicita por internet en la pà ¡gina oficial de la Agencia de Aduanas y Proteccià ³n Fronteriza (CBP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). En este momento se paga una cuota inicial de $25 por persona (en el caso de familias el coste mà ¡ximo es de $50 por el padre y la madre y los hijos). Al poco tiempo se recibirà ¡ una notificacià ³n llamada aprobacià ³n condicional. A partir de ese momento se tiene 30 dà ­as para cerrar una cita para la entrevista con la CBP utilizando el mismo sistema de internet. El dà ­a de la entrevista se tomarà ¡ las huellas digitales del aplicante y una foto. Ademà ¡s se tendrà ¡ que pagar parte de la cuota. Ademà ¡s, deberà ¡ presentar los documentados originales que: Acrediten que es ciudadano americano, que es residente permanente o que tiene visa americana vigente.Licencia de manejar emitida por el estado en el que se vive (o un I.D. estatal)Registracià ³n del auto y prueba de seguro. Si el auto que se registra no es propiedad del solicitante de la tarjeta SENTRI entonces se precisa una carta notarizada del propietario en favor del solicitante. Si se trata de un auto de empresa, la carta debe estar escrita en un papel con el nombre de la compaà ±Ãƒ ­a.Prueba de solvencia econà ³mica, como tax returns recientes, nà ³minas, extractos de banco, licencia de negocio, si se tiene, etc.Evidencia de residencia, como por ejemplo, recibo del pago de la renta o de la hipoteca o escritura de propiedad de vivienda. Ademà ¡s, llevar una copia de la aprobacià ³n condicional. El costo total de la tarjeta es de $122.25 por persona. Si se desea registrar mà ¡s de un auto, hay que pagar cuota adicional de $42. Si se solicita para toda la familia, es mà ¡s conveniente realizar la aplicacià ³n para todos de una sola vez. Causas de negacià ³n de la solicitud de una tarjeta SENTRI Las causas pueden ser muy variadas, por ejemplo, mentir en la aplicacià ³n, haber sido condenado por una ofensa criminal o tener una orden de arresto pendiente. Tambià ©n es causa de rechazo estar siendo investigado por alguna autoridad local, estatal o federal o, incluso, haber cometido en el pasado alguna infraccià ³n migratoria o de aduanas, incluidos casos en los que se intentà ³ ingresar al paà ­s un producto agrà ­cola o comida que està ¡ prohibido. Finalmente, se negarà ¡ la tarjeta siempre que a juicio de las autoridades la persona solicitante puede suponer un riesgo de cualquier clase para los Estados Unidos. A tener en cuenta para conservar la validez de SENTRI Si se obtiene la tarjeta, debe tenerse presente lo siguiente: Es và ¡lida por cinco aà ±os.Se debe notificar cambios de domicilio, cambios en la documentacià ³n, como obtencià ³n de nuevo pasaporte, licencia de manejar, green card.... o cambio de nombre. Tambià ©n se debe reportar cualquier condena excepto violaciones de trà ¡nsito. Para hacer estas notificaciones llamar a uno de los Centros para Enrolar.  Para poder utilizar una là ­nea SENTRI en la frontera es necesario que todos los ocupantes del auto sean titulares de su propia tarjeta. Esto incluye a nià ±os, incluso recià ©n nacidos. Quà © se puede ingresar a Estados Unidos desde Mà ©xico A la hora de ingresar a los Estados Unidos es conveniente conocer quà © artà ­culos està ¡ prohibido traer asà ­ cà ³mo cuà ¡les està ¡n permitidos en determinadas cantidades o previa declaracià ³n de ingreso. Finalmente, si se tiene la intencià ³n de ingresar a una mascota, tambià ©n se aconseja conocer las reglas para evitar problemas serios al llegar al control aduanero. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Compensation and Security for Employees Free Essays

Discussed in this paper will be how employees are categorized and at what level they are categorized at. What the goals and expectations for each level are and how they can be reached. How compensation is dispersed and awarded and how the compensation is given. We will write a custom essay sample on Compensation and Security for Employees or any similar topic only for you Order Now This paper will also discuss what kind of compensation is given, whether the compensation is monetary or in another form. This paper will also discuss what the incentives will be for reporting abuse of other employees or violation of company policies and procedures. The steps that the company will take to keep all incentives for the different categories and employees fair and equal. What kind of payouts for the different performances in each category. The paper will also include a section on why the compensation is awarded and how they will reward the employee or group (Snell, 2010). How to set the program to handout the incentive and when they will be awarded and how. It will also discuss whether the incentive is given yearly or if it is given quarterly. Also in the paper it will discuss how to motivate employees and how to keep employees motivated. Read this  Chapter 2 – Why Security is Needed Also being discussed will be putting in a compensation plan to attract new employees. Knowing how to manage unfairness and employees who think it is unfair to offer an incentive for a particular performance or for an organization. Putting the steps in categories will also help out the unfairness. Also being discussed is how the compensation will be presented. What steps will be taken to ensure that all employees are eligible for the compensation program. Giving the steps out so the employee knows what is to be expected. Compensation and Security for Employees Some companies have different levels of employees; some include entry level employees to executives. Categorizing employees is a little difficult, especially if there is a lot of turn over. Some employees that have been in the company for more than a year may still be in an entry level position, but deserve to be at a junior level position. The main purpose for this program is to ensure a low employee turnover. These employees should be compensated not for their position but how they perform in that position (Snell, 2010). Other companies may give a bonus or compensation for getting hired into the company. Bonuses are given mainly in monetary fashion; they are given also if the employee is at the company for six months or more. Categorizing employees is a big job, but also can save on money. Categorizing employees from entry level to CEO is difficult especially if there are several levels. The first step is to categorize employees is to know how many employees are in each level. Also included in the first step is a description of what each employee level is. How many employees there are in each level and how they get the incentive in the level. Level 1: entry level- fifty employees, these employees are the ones that have recently been hired, or have been with the company for six months to a year. Frequent turnover accrues with in the first two months of hire (Snell, 2010). That is why an incentive is give after the six month in the position. Level 2: junior level- thirty employees, these are the employees that have been with the company for a year or more a monetary incentive is usually given after the employee has given their commitment to the company for a year and a half. Level 3: lead level- twenty employees, these employees are the leads in their units or departments, they have been promoted from the junior level and have worked for the company for more the 2 years. The first incentive is the promotions; they also get an incentive for job performances in the first six months after becoming a lead. Level 4: supervisor level- fifteen employees, these employees have also been leads that have been promoted (Ederhof, 2011). Supervisors have worked for the company for four years or more. The incentive for this level is after a year of being a supervisor. The supervisory level compensation will be based on job performance, and the supervisors past performances. Level 5: manager level- forty employees, these employees are either hired for the manager level or they have been promoted from the supervisor level. These employees are committed to the company. Their incentive is for job performance, going above and beyond the call of their position. Level 6: Coordinator’s level-seventeen employees, these employees are listed as high as executives. These coordinators are budget coordinators, financial coordinators, company event coordinators. These employees are hired outside the company; they are hired for their skills of coordinating several departments. These employees know how to work through stress and deadlines. This level compensation is based solely on performance; there is still the six month compensation after hire. Compensation shows how they work through the stress and deadlines (Ederhof, 2011). Level 7: director’s level-ten employees, these employees are also hired outside the company; they have the skills and experience to do their job. These employees are responsible for several departments and the employees that work in those departments. The directors are higher than the managers. This is where deciding how the compensation will work for the remaining levels will get a little more difficult. They also are goal oriented and will make goals for the departments they run (Reh, 2013). Level 8: Administration Assistant’s level: five employees, these employees are usually hired outside due to unfairness of the other employees. The employees have four to five years’ experience in the field. Administrative assistants work directly with the CO’s and presidents. Their work is monitored above any employee in the company. Their stakes are higher when it comes to incentives and compensations. This is not an entry level position. Level 9: CO’s level- twelve employees, these employees have specific areas of experience. Some of the CO’s that would be in the company are: Chief executive officer (CEO) chief accounts officer (CAO), chief information officer (CIO), chief financial officer (CFO) to name a few. There is about eight to ten years’ experience in their field. Their goal is to keep things in their department running smoothly. Level 10: presidents level five employees; this level is the most difficult level to do incentives and compensations. They are the highest and most experienced in their areas. This level of employment makes all final decisions in the company. They work closely with directors in each department; knowing what is going on throughout the company is another objective that this level is kin on. Setting goals and expectations for the different levels is not as easy as it seems. The upper levels will have more difficult goals and expectations to achieve than the lower levels. This is the second step in the incentives and compensations plan. Anything that needs to be discussed about each level should be discussed with each level in a conference or a meeting (Super Jobs for You, 2009). Get the employees involved in their goals and expectations. Setting goals and expectations are very important, it keeps employees motivated and looking forward. Level 1: goals setting and expectations for the entry level positions. Sitting down with the level 1 employees the company found out that some of the goals are pretty similar. Having the employees set goals for themselves will help the employees achieve realistic goals and set short and long term goals (Goals and Expectations, 2011). Goals for entry level employees would include: to move up in the company, to have projects done on or before the deadline, being able to type 50 words per minute every day for a month. Bring job performance up to five percent in two weeks. Another goal would be win over customers that have not been in for a while. Achieving this goal would be for each level one employee. The goal would be to get back 3 customers within sixty days. Some personal goals for employees at level one is: being able to speak up in meetings, get along with co-workers better, to talk to their superiors a lot better without being terrified of being rejected. Level 2 employees have the same goals as the level one employee with some differences. Some goals that level two employees have set for themselves are as follows: wanting to move up in the company, get sales up to ten percent before the next quarter. The incentive for reaching the customer goal would be a hundred dollars and free lunch on the company for 3 employees of level one and three employees for level two. Some of the incentives for the level one employee, once they have achieved their goal, would be a promotion with a pay raise. For finishing a project before the deadline would be a fifty dollar bonus on their next check. Level two employees would be the same, a promotion and a pay raise. Once they achieve their goal of getting sales up the company will give incentive for the first three employees who reach the goal. The incentive will be a week vacation with pay. For level 3 employees the goal setting is a bit more complicated. Some goals could be: having their department reaches a team goal within thirty days. A team goal could be to increase communication through the entire department. Also getting employee feedback from the departments to reach the specific goal (Goals and Expectations, 2011). Giving out monthly progress reports to level one and two employees, telling the employees how they are doing and where they are to achieve their own personal and professional goals. Once the communication goal is reached by one department the entire department will get fifty dollars on their next paycheck and will get a free lunch to a great restaurant on the company. For the level three employees the incentives for reaching goals and expectations would be a week’s paid vacation from the company for achieving the progress report goal for the first 4 employees. This goal is also available to the level four employees also. For level 4 employees they will also make up goals for themselves as well. Some of the goals would be figuring out how to relieve the stress from their employees to increase productivity and performance. How to keep employees from going home early or calling in sick from work on Fridays. Some suggestions would be giving the employees free massage on their breaks, giving a longer lunch hour on Fridays. Setting and posting team goals that are simple and are seen everywhere. Level 5 employees personal goals could be to get out on the floor to help out lower level employees about sixty percent of the day for the next sixty days. The department goal could be to develop a plan to keep more employees from quitting and to lower turnover by fifty percent. Whichever level achieves this goal will get a twenty-five percent raise. The levels that will be competing will be levels four, five and seven. Levels 6 employees will have goals and expectations to fulfill. Some goals and expectations could be to stay up-to-date on advertising until the end of the year. Plan a company event three times a year. The big goal is to talk to customers about what they want out of the company, or what they want to see the company change and make it happen within six months. Achieving this goal would get the coordinator responsible a thirty percent raise and 2 weeks paid vacation. For the entire company goals would be an award of their choosing for working in the company for five, ten, fifteen and twenty and so on years. The awards would be for five years a plaque that says for five years of service in the company and would have the employees name on it. The ten year anniversary would be an award of their choosing, like a stereo or two hundred dollars cash. Every year would have an award that is a little more expensive and elaborate. For reporting violations and abuse to co-workers the incentive would be the same hundred dollars for reporting sexual harassment, reporting a violation of the code of conduct would award the employee with a free membership to the gym of their choice or ten free massages for two. For referring new employees the employee would get fifty after the new employee was hired and hundred after the new employee was at the company for six months. Steps that the human resource management will take to ensure that all compensation and incentives are fair and equal to all levels. Step one is to figure out different higher goals for each employee at each level. Keep goals short-term. Let all employees at the lower level know they have the potential to achieve all goals and expectations. Also let them know they lso have the ability to be promoted wit in the company. Also letting all employees know that they are valued in the company. Giving out â€Å"treats† to all employees at the end of a really long work day or work week. Company parties, picnics or celebrations, to let the employees know they are valued in the company. Celebrating the employees birthdays, to let them know that the company remembers them and that they are special. Conclusion In conclusion the paper discussed compensation and incentive for employees at all levels in the company. These employees should be compensated not for their position but how they perform in that position (Snell, 2010). Other companies may give a bonus or compensation for getting hired into the company. Bonuses are given mainly in monetary fashion; they are given also if the employee is at the company for six months or more. The steps that the company will take to keep all incentives for all the different categories and employees fair and equal. What kind of payouts for the different performances in each category. The paper will also include a section on why the compensation is awarded and how they will reward the employee or group (Snell, 2010). How to set the program to handout the incentive and when they will be awarded and how. Categorizing employees is a big job, but also can save on money. Categorizing employees from entry level to CEO is difficult especially if there are several levels. The first step is to categorize employees is to know how many employees are in each level. Also included in the first step is a description of what each employee level is. How many employees there are in each level and how they get the incentive throughout the time they spend in that level. For the entire company goals would be an award of their choosing for working in the company for five, ten, fifteen and twenty and so on years. The awards would be for five years a plaque that says for five years of service in the company and would have the employees name on it. The ten year anniversary would be an award of their choosing, like a stereo or two hundred dollars cash. Every year would have an award that is a little more expensive and elaborate. How to cite Compensation and Security for Employees, Papers

Friday, May 1, 2020

Prince Among Slaves Example For Students

Prince Among Slaves Prince Among Slaves  considered as a historical documentary directed, written and produced by  Andrea Kalin. This film is a story of  Abdul Rahman Sori, a prince from West Africa who had become a slave in the United States and got freedom 40 years later. Abdul Rahman was a prince of a kingdom in Futa Jallon, West Africa. In 1788, at the age of 26, his father sent him in war, where he captured and sold to English slavers. A slave- ship headed for American shores from West Africa with hundreds of men, women and children and Abdul Rahman was among them. Eight months later the survivors came with other goods in Mississippi for sale. Abdul Rahman was purchased by a struggling Mississippi farmer named Thomas Foster. Foster hoped that the strong African would help establish his farm. Sori tried to tell Foster that he was a prince and he stole from his familybut foster didn’t listen to him. He cut Suri’s long hair, which was a sign of nobility and made him to work. Once Abdul Rahman escaped from Fosters firm but after several weeks, he realized that he never could go back to Futa Jelon. So he voluntary returned and started working in Fosters firm as slave. With Abdul Rahmans hard work, Foster quickly became one of the wealthiest men in Mississippi. In the mean time, Foster brought another woman slave named Isabella who became Abdul Rahman’s wife later and together they had nine children. Twenty years later, at a crossroads market Abdul Rahman met Dr. John Cox whose life had been saved by Abdul Rahmans father many years ago in Africa. Cox offered to buy Abdul-Rahman from Foster, but he refused. Two decades later Cox’s son William with the help of local newspaper editor Andrew Marschalk wrote articles about Abdul-Rahman’s cause. Articles caught the attention of then Secretary of State Henry Clay, who convinced President  John Quincy Adams to free Abdul-Rahman. Abdul Rahman set out on a quest to raise enough money to purchase his family’s freedom and immediately purchased the freedom of his wife for $200. Later he succeeded in raising only enough money for two of his children and their families. He forced to leave America witout his children. In 1829, he returned to Africa. In Africa he continued to press for his children’s freedom, but died only four months after his return. He never went back to his kingdom in Futa Jallon. Prince Among Slaves based on true story which tell us that Muslims first started coming in America by those African slaves. Today our Muslim position in America is the sacrifice of African Muslims.